5 Most Nostalgic Indonesian 90s Snacks

2 min readApr 12, 2021


Even though our childhood is over. The memories still keep inside our heads especially while remembering the taste of our favorite snacks that might not be sold on any retail anymore. Therefore, here the 5 most memorable legendary snacks from Indonesia.

  1. Cigarette Candy
source: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ffmweP_8aCg/XrpNwLBMo6I/AAAAAAAAAEs/UyhJhbKUzEQxkj0odqzhyLsLKnQZDrtOQCK4BGAsYHg/w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu/permen%2Broko.jpg

Cigarette Candy is a snack that is packaged similarly to real candy but having sweet candy insight the form. This candy is very well-known in the 90s kids that are sold outside the school territory. Did you try this candy?

Go check on the link here: https://www.indo4ward.com/product/tkp-713103640-permen-roko-jadul-permen-stik-cokelat-mint-susu-isi-20-batang

2. Chiki

Source: usindomart.com

Yellow chicken logo brand with a ball-shaped snack was a well-known Indonesian snack by every ’90s kid. Chiki has some variants such as Chiki Balls and Chiki potato sticks.

Go check on the link here: https://www.indo4ward.com/product/tkp-1655820224-chiki-ball-ayam-200-gr-12-free-chiki-ball-keju-10-gr-120

3. Nyam-nyam

Source: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PrM2rrqKRUs/maxresdefault.jpg

Nyam-nyam is the favorite snack while we need something sweet and cheap. The crunchy breadstick with sprinkles and melted chocolate brings back the joyfulness of our childhood.

Go check on the link here: https://www.indo4ward.com/product/tkp-1340273345-nyam-nyam-cokelat-11-gram-1-pack-isi-12-pcs

4. Mi anak mas

Source: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ea/ac/0f/eaac0f1f720df87e6a0740890dc37f2f.jpg

The legendary snacks for 90s kids at that time. They have a unique flavor not only cheese, but they also have the chicken curry flavor. The snack is available almost in every shop around the housings or schools.

5. Hot Hot Pop

Source: jurnalbumi.com

Another candy that must be never forgotten by 90s kids. This candy has a red eye-catching color and foot-shaped.

Go check on the link here: https://www.indo4ward.com/product/tkp-458361034-permen-kaki-hot-pop-rasa-mangga-free-toples

Written by Gegy Miola (Marketing and Business Development at Indo4ward)




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